Our members perform routine patrols, assisting the Nassau County Police Department with various incidents throughout their communities.
Members will assist with traffic, crossings, and safety at local assignments, such as parades, marathons, 5Ks, street fairs, and other community events.
Various major Nassau County events are staffed by the Nassau County Auxiliary Police, including many fireworks shows, marathons, and other events.
The Nassau County Auxiliary Police is actively recruiting new members. Any Nassau County resident who is a United States citizen, is between the ages of 18 and 65, and has a clean criminal history is eligible to apply. The Nassau County Auxiliary Police will provide training through the Nassau County Police Academy, and will provide all uniforms and other required equipment.
The Nassau County Auxiliary Police has over thirty Community Units, operating within the confines of the eight Nassau County Police Department precincts, allowing you to serve your own community.
Since 1950, thousands of men and women have served Nassau County with pride and distinction as members of the Auxiliary Police, creating a tradition of excellence for over 75 years.